Want To Improve health outcomes

through culture

Download the Health Leaders Guide

A 5-Step Process to

Crossing the Cultural Divide

Cultural Competence to Cultural Capability

Connect with confidence to our changing society

What's the Main Cultural Focus in Your Leadership Right Now

Creating a Work Culture

that people trust

You are a health leader, who wants to create a trusting culture for your teams to work in. You are dealing with performance targets, people becoming numbers, staff cuts and budget uncertainty. These factors work against sustaining a trusting culture.

You need to put an action plan in place to mitigate their influence.

Connecting Confidently with Māori

You have been part of upskilling yourself and others in te Tiriti o Waitangi. This has involved learning about our history, commitment to te tiriti, te reo Māori and te ao Māori.

You want to be part of realising the potential of this investment to raise outcomes for Māori.

Elevating Equity

You are very aware of the disparities in Health. The way to equity is through the values of te ao Māori. Once embedded these values will create the inclusive conditions to understand and care for others different from you and your teams. It will also attract diversity into your workplace.

Health care outcomes improve with trusting relationships

Use the investment you have made in cultural competence to respond to our changing demographics and cultural identity to build that trust

Your investment in cultural competence has been the foundational knowledge for building a healthy economy and society.

Social academics have been telling us that the social cohesiveness in Aotearoa has been breaking down for some time, and that COVID was the catalyst that exposed it.

You will have experienced this disconnection to community and with each other in your work. The continual changes, performance targets and now job cuts will have added to this.

You need to find different ways of doing things. It is evitable that we are due for a change. People are certainly showing us that they are impatient for change but don't know what it looks like and want this change without cost to them, understandably so.

As social and cultural identity changes, a mind shift that reflects our demography is your 'new normal'. Diversity, equity and inclusion are no longer an aspiration but a necessity if you are to remove health disparities, provide the best learning and healing environments, and a supportive culture for your teams, staff and patients.

You have already made the important start with building up cultural competence.

To take that competence and turn it into cultural capability so that outcomes can improve, you need to have confidence. Cultural capability will enable you to practise mātauranga Māori, taking what you know and putting it into action.

Mātauranga Māori leads the way to diversity, equity and inclusion. It sets you up for building a strong supportive work culture that will see you through these changing times. It honours te Tiriti relationship, brings cultural safety and will attract diversity of talent.

The Health Leaders Guide: Crossing the Main Divide from Cultural Competence to Cultural Capability is a 5 - Step process that helps Health leaders to understand and implement the solution to becoming Culturally Confident.

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